Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever. Psalm125:1

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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Dylan's Off to Afghanistan

September 25, 2010 Our Dylan and his family meet on base at Camp Pendleton to see Dylan and Kilo Company off. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life, I knew where my boy was going and I stood there and let him go? My heart broke as I watched Dylan hug his sweet Kylee goodbye, I cried when Dyl held me and listened close to him tell me "Mum, its ok, I'm going to be fine, I love you". We were all sitting close on the ground and Cody had us hold hands and he said a beautiful prayer for Dylan and our family. I know that the Lord will protect and watch over Dylan and bring him home safe to his wife and baby! We love you Dylan

Dylan's Lots of Hugs BBQ

We had our Families over for a wonderful BBQ to give Dylan lots of Hugs till we see him again. It was an Awesome time and I was so happy everyone was able to come by and Hug Dylan!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Deployment date

So I received an e mail just now from the family Readiness Officer with the list of company departure dates. Dylan is still set to leave September 24 to 26th. I can't believe its here already. It seems just yesterday he was on the floor playing with his army dudes, now he's about to go fight the war, the real war. The family will be going to Cali to see him off, I cant wait to get there with him and Kylee, but it will be a hard trip. Im going to try real hard to be strong, and be there for Kylee. But her and Dyl both know what a big boob I am. But, I'll be strong. I know the Lord has Dylan already taken care of, and he will soon be back home telling all kinds of stories. Cant wait!
Keep sending those prayers everyday, thank you each. With love, bonnie

Monday, September 6, 2010

Well Dyl was home for his pre deployment leave, it was SO nice having him and Kylee here, we truly enjoyed every moment spent with them. It was so hard letting them go. We went on a Nordell-Johnson camp trip and had lots of fun, but the best was just the time spent around the house, I was on cloud 9 having all 8 of my kidos home under one roof . Thank you each who came to Dylan's lots of Hugs BBQ to visit with him before they left, it meant a lot to Dyl, Ky and our family. God Bless you each. Remember to send prayers for Dylan and Kylee everyday. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Phone Call Home!

Dylan called home yesterday! I was busy around the house when the phone rang, I didn't look at the caller ID just picked up and said "Hello", boy was I surprised to hear Dyl say " Hey Mum, whats up?" It was so nice to hear his sweet voice. He was upbeat and doing well. He and the family are all looking forward to his time home that is coming up soon! He did say they have their deployment date set for September 25th. He is still in the desert training and all seems to be going well. Keep Praying!!! For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth' and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Luke 11:10

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pre Deployment Training

Dylan left on July 5th for his Pre Deployment Training in the Mohave Desert. The temperatures there have been between 103 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit. We received a phone call from him this evening and it sure was nice to hear his voice! He said he is doing very well and has had some real good training. He did receive a burn on his neck and down his back from hot brass the other day, so prayers for quick healing for that would be much appreciated. He said with the temps his clothes are always wet and his burn is sticking to his shirt, keeping it from healing as fast as it might other wise heal. He said, "Just gotta be tough though", Thats my Dyl! I'm sure Kylee was so thrilled to hear from her husband tonight too, she hasn't talked to him for a week. I wish they didn't have to ever be apart, but thats just how it goes. So prayers for healing and for the Lord to continue to hold Dylan and Kylee in His protection, wrapping His loving arms around them that they both are free from all harm. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. (Jesus) John 14: 18